impact Genome Registry

Prove your Impact

Join over 2 million funders and nonprofits building the future of social impact measurement.

Two volunteers are folding clothing at a nonprofit.Two volunteers are folding clothing at a nonprofit.
2.2 Million
Registered Social Programs
Verified Social Programs
$6.6 Billion+
Verified Social Spend

Why a Registry?

The Impact Genome Registry makes it possible for any social program in the world to register and report its results for free. The Registry uses universal Impact Standards for outcomes, program design, beneficiaries, context, and evidence quality to make impact reporting simple and intuitive. This enables more reliable data, benchmarking, independent verification, and reduced administrative burden for reporting entities.

Impact Data You Can Trust

The biggest challenge in the social sector is that investors and grant makers don't have reliable impact data to use in allocating funding. Using the Impact Genome Registry and Standards to independently Verify results, solves that dilemma. It allows investors and social programs to focus on what matters most: impact.

Measurement Equity

The Impact Genome Registry is designed to help all organizations standardize impact reporting, especially the small grassroots ones that lack evaluation capabilities. This makes it possible for all organizations to compete for funding on a level playing field, being judged by their results, not their fundraising skills.

More Bang for the Buck

Grant makers, impact investors, and donors can now evaluate social programs by their cost per result and effectiveness, using Impact Genome Verified Impact Standard. This helps funders make better decisions, and it empowers social programs to communicate the "true cost" of producing social impact.
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The Core of the Impact Genome Registry

The Impact Genome Registry is built on our Impact Standards (outcomes taxonomy) that is evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and continuously curated.

The Registry does not require programs to use any prescribed "metrics." Outcomes are achieved by satisfying a threshold set of criteria. Programs simply select the outcome they want to claim, report their results, and use their own evidence to back up their claims. The Impact Genome Registry verifies 132+ common social outcomes, across every area of social impact, including Education, Public Health, Critical Human Needs, Economic Development, Arts and Culture, and more. All outcomes in the Impact Genome Registry are aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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impact funders

Now You Can Purchase Outcomes

Governments, corporations, foundations and private donors have lacked reliable investor-grade impact data to use in making funding decisions. Using Impact Genome Registry allows funders to justify decisions based on unbiased, third-party data. The Registry makes reporting better too. Funders can now manage impact like an investment portfolio, benchmarking returns, aggregating results, and providing verifiable information to boards, stakeholders and investors.

Become a Member

Speak to our team today to find out what the Impact Genome Registry can do for you
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