Prove your Impact
Join over 2 million funders and nonprofits building the future of social impact measurement.

Why a Registry?
Impact Data You Can Trust
Measurement Equity
More Bang for the Buck

The Core of the Impact Genome Registry
The Impact Genome Registry is built on our Impact Standards (outcomes taxonomy) that is evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and continuously curated.
The Registry does not require programs to use any prescribed "metrics." Outcomes are achieved by satisfying a threshold set of criteria. Programs simply select the outcome they want to claim, report their results, and use their own evidence to back up their claims. The Impact Genome Registry verifies 132+ common social outcomes, across every area of social impact, including Education, Public Health, Critical Human Needs, Economic Development, Arts and Culture, and more. All outcomes in the Impact Genome Registry are aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).