Sustainability & Environment

Verifying the impact of sustainability and environment programming

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Sustainability and Environment Standard

The Sustainability and Environment Standard spans the field of environmental sustainability and climate change. It covers a broad range of outcomes related to behavior change and the environment, such as animal welfare, biodiversity and habitat protection, and climate change mitigation. It is organized by outcomes or desired social changes.


Impact Taxonomies

The Registry is built on advanced Impact Genome Standards.

Program Features

Universal program design elements or mechanisms (what the program does).


Universal environmental conditions or variables (where the program operates).


Universal program goals (what the program
is trying to acheive).


Universal demographic types or program beneficiaries (who the program serves).


Universal measurement of dosage & fidelity to the intervention model (how the program operates).



Evidence-based and Peer-reviewed

Animal Welfare
Biodiversity and Habitat Protection
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Animal Wellness

The attainment of stable living conditions and proper care for animals (e.g., adopted to a safe home, humane treatment, adequate nutrition, etc.).


Protect Animals Rights

The attainment of legal protection to condemn inhumane treatment of animals (e.g., enactment of anti-cruelty laws) and the enforcement of such legal protection.


Individual Awareness and Responsibility

The attainment of knowledge of animal issues and personal responsibility and the implementation of humane practices to reduce personal contribution to animal issues (e.g., buy from cruelty-free companies, adopt pets from shelters, etc.).


Species Conservation

The attainment of sustainable practices to avoid species extinction and re-establishing threatened populations, while meeting the needs of both people and nature.


Habitat Protection

The attainment of sustainable practices to protecting, maintaining, and restore habitats (e.g. sustainable logging practices, creating of protected corridors, sustainable land management, etc.).


Conservation Awareness and Responsibility

The attainment of skills and knowledge regarding conservation and one's personal responsibility for health of the environment.


Climate Change Adaptation

The attainment of resilience against extreme weather events and consequences of higher temperatures (e.g., flood defences, water purification and storage, urban greening, heat wave plans, etc.).


Climate Change Science and Awareness

The attainment of knowledge regarding climate change, one's individual contribution, and the consequences for Earth.


Reduce National Carbon Footprint

The attainment of sustainable management of natural resources and industrial production practices to reduce its carbon footprint (e.g., enhanced greenhouse gas sinks, low fossil fuel use, utilization of clean energy systems, regulations of industrial production, etc.).


Reduce Corporate Carbon Footprint

The attainment of sustainable business and production practices to reduce its carbon footprint (low greenhouse gas emissions and net carbon footprint, investment in sustainable energy systems, etc.).


Reduce Individual Carbon Footprint

The attainment of a personal behaviour pattern that reduces carbon footprint (e.g., low car emissions, reusing carbon-intensive materials, recycling, purchasing solar panels, responsible energy usage, etc.).




Our peer-reviewed Verified Impact Standards were developed though a rigorous, evidence-based process. To learn more about it, read our methodology paper.

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Sustainability and Environment Standard

The Sustainability and Environment Standard spans the field of environmental sustainability and climate change. It covers a broad range of outcomes related to behavior change and the environment, such as animal welfare, biodiversity and habitat protection, and climate change mitigation. It is organized by outcomes or desired social changes.

Our Data Standard

Impact Taxonomies

The Registry is built on advanced Impact Genome Standards.


Universal program goals (what the program is trying to achieve)

Program Features

Universal program design elements or mechanisms (what the program does)


Universal demographic types or program beneficiaries (who the program serves)


Universal environmental conditions or variables (where the program operates)


Universal measurement of dosage and fidelity to the intervention model (how the program operates)


Evidence Based & Peer Reviewed
Impact Standards

Program Overview

The Impact Genome's Verified Impact Standard is the world's leading standard for verifying the outcomes of social programs. To date, the world has not had a common definition of what it means to achieve an outcome - every social program currently adopts its own metrics. Our Impact Standards have been peer-reviewed, evidence-based and reported against by thousands of social programs. The Standards enable any program to report their outcomes in a standardized way, including beneficiaries served, context, program design and implementation. Program claims are backed up by evidence and independently verified by the Impact Genome Registry.

Our Methodology

Our peer-reviewed Verified Impact Standards were developed though a rigorous, evidence-based process. To learn more about it, see our methodology paper here.

Independent Verification

All social programs reporting against the Verified Impact Standards will submit evidence sufficient to back up their claims. This evidence is reviewed by the Impact Genome's SIA evaluators and reported into the Impact Genome Registry.

Stored in Impact Genome Registry

A publicly-accessible registry of 2.2 million global programs that are searchable by outcomes, components, beneficiaries and contexts, making social programs more discoverable and impact data actionable.


With standardization, benchmarking in social impact is finally possible. Impact Verified programs can be benchmarked against peers for effectiveness, Cost Per Outcome, impact footprint, program intensity, core components, and evidence quality.

Impact Standards

Data Portability

Impact data that can be transferred and used across platforms.


Evidence-based, peer-reviewed evaluation process for certifying impact.

Social Impact as an Asset

Verified Social Impact credits that are standardized, priced, and sold.


Compare programs and portfolios using our Impact Standards.

Level the Playing Field

Small organizations can compete based on their outcomes and not their marketing.

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