Standards for Impact Measurement
The Impact Genome Registry stores and measures impact program data using Impact Genome’s universal Standards. This provides actionable insights, benchmarking, forecasting, and evidence synthesis.
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What is the Impact Genome Registry?
The Impact Genome Registry is a repository for impact data on over 2.2 million global nonprofits and social programs. It catalogues standardized data on outcomes, strategies, beneficiaries, context, cost, and evidence quality. We can now quantify the annual impact—the total outcomes produced—of any social program. The Impact Genome Registry creates a currency for social impacts the same way carbon registries do for environmental impacts. Impact data is structured, validated, and Verified by our evaluators. The Verification Standards are curated by taxonomists and peer-reviewed by nonprofit practitioners, experts, and academics. Verified programs receive Verified Impact Credits that turn impact into an asset.
Standards for Impact Measurement
Impact Data You Can Trust
Impact Genome Registry standardizes and independently verifies results so nonprofit and social programs can now prove their work in making a difference and funders can give confidently to organizations making an impact.

Measurement Equity
Small and marginalized organizations can compete for funding on a level playing field. They get visibility and funding based on their results, not based on their marketing and fundraising capacities.
Register your program in the RegistryMore Bang for the Buck
Social programs can communicate their "true cost" of producing social impact so that investors, grantmakers, and donors can give where their money can do the most good.
Learn how to get credit and optimize your impact portfolio
Frequently Asked Questions
We work with our clients to understand their goals and reporting needs before helping them to utilize the verified outcomes data from reporting to develop a compelling narrative that mixes quantitative and qualitative data.
Reports often include overall reach and outcomes achieved, comparisons to benchmarks, performance against the client’s priorities, and highlighting trends/opportunities for further improvement and increased impact.
For-profit impact producers can register their programs and get their impact verified in our Registry. Future views of our Registry may enable filtering by program type.
The sample size thus differs by outcome, but we typically do not publish benchmarks with fewer than 5 verified reports.
During verification, our SIAs analyze the evidence they submit, rank their outcomes against our standardized taxonomies and generate an Impact Verified™️ Scorecard, which is an interactive, one-page overview of their social program’s performance in areas like Cost-Per-Outcome, efficacy rate, core components (interventions), and program design. The Scorecard also benchmarks their performance against similar programs achieving the same outcomes.
Our SIAs and Services team can also provide capacity building support to impact producers around collecting and analyzing their data.
Also, our work is backed by the likes of the Gates Foundation and the Chan-Zuckerberg initiative.