Science-Backed Standards for Impact Measurement
The Impact Genome Registry Verifies the impact of social programs using Impact Standards that are built from evidence and continuously curated.
View The Registry

The Core of the Impact Genome Registry
The Impact Genome Registry verifies the impact of social programs using outcome standards that are built from evidence and continuously curated.
Every social program in the Impact Genome Registry is associated with one or more of Impact Genome’s 132 standardized outcomes. An outcome is a measurable change in a beneficiary status, behavior or condition during a 12-month period. The Impact Genome Registry includes programs producing outcomes across Education, Public Health, Human Needs, Arts & Culture, and more.
Defining Outcomes
Code the Evidence
Our team of ontologists analyzes and codes the evidence base to find and define preliminary outcomes.
Peer Review
Ongoing Curation
Universal Impact Standard Taxonomies
Universal common data standards for outcomes, program components, beneficiary types and contexts relevant to each Standard (Genome).
To review our governance process for building taxonomies, please click here

Universal Evidence
Each Impact Genome Standard has a publicly-accessible evidence base of ‘what works’ that is searchable by outcomes, components, beneficiaries and contexts, making evidence more actionable and useful.
What Works
Meta-analysis (combining findings across research) of the evidence to explain ‘what works and why’ (e.g. which program strategies are more likely to generate positive outcomes).

A free, online self-assessment tool that allows any social program to discover its ‘Impact DNA’ (e.g. common program design features) and benchmark with other organizations.