Youth Development Standard
The Youth Development Standard spans all programming related to youth civic engagement, positive identity development, life skills, responsible decision-making, and social and emotional skills. It is organized by outcomes or desired social changes.
Impact Taxonomies
Universal program goals (what the program is trying to achieve)
Program Features
Universal program design elements or mechanisms (what the program does)
Universal demographic types or program beneficiaries (who the program serves)
Universal environmental conditions or variables (where the program operates)
Universal measurement of dosage and fidelity to the intervention model (how the program operates)
Program Overview
The Impact Genome's Verified Impact Standard is the world's leading standard for verifying the outcomes of social programs. To date, the world has not had a common definition of what it means to achieve an outcome - every social program currently adopts its own metrics. Our Impact Standards have been peer-reviewed, evidence-based and reported against by thousands of social programs. The Standards enable any program to report their outcomes in a standardized way, including beneficiaries served, context, program design and implementation. Program claims are backed up by evidence and independently verified by the Impact Genome Registry.
Our Methodology
Our peer-reviewed Verified Impact Standards were developed though a rigorous, evidence-based process. To learn more about it, see our methodology paper here.